Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Question of the Week #40

What makes you grouchy?


Trent and Janel Lyman said...

Waking up in the morning :)

John and Danielle Corrigan said...

Homework. And other people that are grouchy, but then I'm a hypocrate I guess.

Kristin said...

Waiting. And also selfish people.

Cheree said...

Lack of sleep and 30 degree weather in flippin October! Um. . . but I guess . . . it is possible . . . for me to not be grouchy even though I'm usually lacking sleep :-). And, supposedly, it's supposed to warm up this weekend . . . so if I would just go to bed, now, then I should be super happy tomorrow!

Kayla said...


Jolynn and Zak McCormick said...

a messy house- which means I am grouchy most of the time- :) Love the Oscar The Grouch picture!! :)

Ruth said...

One word: HORMONES

mikey and kimby said...

Lack of food ... I'm self diagnosed hypoglycemic and need lots of snacks.

kenna said...

brain tumor repercussions

~ Matt and Erin Kern ~ said...

When I'm hot or hungry I get grouchy. When I'm both at the same time, not good...just ask Matt. :)

Erin said...

I am grouchy when I don't fit into cute bargain-deal clothes.