Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Question of the Week #6

What's the oldest thing in your fridge?
How long has it been there?
Is it still good?

For Amber: A package of unsalted butter we received from friends who moved in August 2008. It's still good, though, right?


Trent and Janel Lyman said...

A Wishbone spray salad dressing. Pretty sure that I bought it in the first part of 2006, it went out of code Jan 24 2007. And it's still good!

Kayla said...

Sriracha Hot Chili Sauce. I don't use it, Jake does and I just saw that it expired August of 2006...Oops! It's goin' in the garbage now.

Cheree said...

Musselman's Apple Butter. I bought it last year (I think in March?) for a recipe. It expires in March 2010. So I'm good for another year :-). Maybe I'll try making that recipe again.

Cheree said...

But . . . when we moved from our "summer" place in August, I guess I was the first person do a do a deep cleaning of the fridge. When removing the shelves to wash them, I found a Go-gurt? (I don't buy these because my son's allergic to cow's milk.) Yeah, it wasn't ours. Yuck. Who knows how long it had been there. Thank heavens I was wearing gloves. I didn't bother to look at any "date" do avoid getting sick to my stomach.

Kellie Knapp said...

a huge bottle of soy sauce from target.. I swear there is like a gallon of it and I only use soy sauce, like twice a year... If you need some COME ON OVER :)

kenna said...

I have some meat that my in-laws gave us right after we were married. Um, so it's been in the freezer for 3 years...

I finally took it out last night.


Susan said...

Hmm I think my pickles. I bought them when we moved in, in May of 07. They should still be good in all that brine....I think.

Susan said...

So I just found a jar of applesauce that David's Mom bottled in 98!! I think that beats out my pickles!